โ˜€๏ธSolana account structure

The following structures are literally copied from the contract source code:

pub struct LendingMarket {
    /// Version of lending market
    pub version: u8,
    /// Bump seed for derived authority address
    pub bump_seed: u8,
    /// Owner authority which can add new reserves
    pub owner: Pubkey,
    /// Currency market prices are quoted in
    /// e.g. "USD" null padded (`*b"USD\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"`) or a SPL token mint pubkey
    pub quote_currency: [u8; 32],
    /// Token program id
    pub token_program_id: Pubkey,
    /// Oracle (Pyth) program id
    pub oracle_program_id: Pubkey,
    /// Oracle (Switchboard) program id
    pub switchboard_oracle_program_id: Pubkey,
pub struct Obligation {
    /// Version of the struct
    pub version: u8,
    /// Last update to collateral, liquidity, or their market values
    pub last_update: LastUpdate,
    /// Lending market address
    pub lending_market: Pubkey,
    /// Owner authority which can borrow liquidity
    pub owner: Pubkey,
    /// Deposited collateral for the obligation, unique by deposit reserve address
    pub deposits: Vec<ObligationCollateral>,
    /// Borrowed liquidity for the obligation, unique by borrow reserve address
    pub borrows: Vec<ObligationLiquidity>,
    /// Market value of deposits
    pub deposited_value: Decimal,
    /// Market value of borrows
    pub borrowed_value: Decimal,
    /// The maximum borrow value at the weighted average loan to value ratio
    pub allowed_borrow_value: Decimal,
    /// The dangerous borrow value at the weighted average liquidation threshold
    pub unhealthy_borrow_value: Decimal,
pub struct Reserve {
    /// Version of the struct
    pub version: u8,
    /// Last slot when supply and rates updated
    pub last_update: LastUpdate,
    /// Lending market address
    pub lending_market: Pubkey,
    /// Reserve liquidity
    pub liquidity: ReserveLiquidity,
    /// Reserve collateral
    pub collateral: ReserveCollateral,
    /// Reserve configuration values
    pub config: ReserveConfig,
pub struct ReserveLiquidity {
    /// Reserve liquidity mint address
    pub mint_pubkey: Pubkey,
    /// Reserve liquidity mint decimals
    pub mint_decimals: u8,
    /// Reserve liquidity supply address
    pub supply_pubkey: Pubkey,
    /// Reserve liquidity pyth oracle account
    pub pyth_oracle_pubkey: Pubkey,
    /// Reserve liquidity switchboard oracle account
    pub switchboard_oracle_pubkey: Pubkey,
    /// Reserve liquidity available
    pub available_amount: u64,
    /// Reserve liquidity borrowed
    pub borrowed_amount_wads: Decimal,
    /// Reserve liquidity cumulative borrow rate
    pub cumulative_borrow_rate_wads: Decimal,
    /// Reserve liquidity market price in quote currency
    pub market_price: Decimal,
pub struct FluidityData {
    token_mint: Pubkey,
    fluid_mint: Pubkey,
    pda: Pubkey,
    payout_authority: Pubkey, // can turn on emergency mode, reward users, update mint limits
    operator: Pubkey, // can turn on emergency mode, unblock rewards, update payout limits, change
                      // the payout auth
    emergency_council: Pubkey, // can turn on emergency mode
    pending_payout_authority: Option<Pubkey>,
    // wrapping and payouts
    no_emergency: bool,
    block_payout_threshold: u64,
    global_mint_remaining: u64,

Last updated